April 24

LSARC Minutes


Meeting was called to order by Rudy at 1203.

Minutes of the last meeting were read motion was made by Rudy that they be accepted, Terry Dean 2nd and all approved


Treasurers report was given:

Balance in checking acct. $5,209.32

CD's $20,000.00

Reta Behrens made the motion that they be accepted, 2"d by Cameron, all


Old Business:

Discussion of CD's that we purchased took place and what was to be done with the interest they accrue. It was decided to have the interest deposited to the club checking account. If we later see that we do not need that extra monies available we can have the interest rolled over into the CD's.

 The status of Echo Link was brought to the floor. t was reported that Drew has been paying additional expenses related to the Echo Link program out of his own pocket. The club voted to reimburse the costs he has incurred. cott made a motion that we do so, Walt 2hd the motion, all approve. Drew is to submit an invoice.

 There was also discussion regarding the use of a static Ip address and its uses if we were able to obtain one. We are currently at the mercy of other entities in this endeavor.

 Classes and testing for OEM is still on hold

Insurance on our equipment and Liability insurance on the property was discussed and Reta agreed to call Bare and Swett and see if they are able to offer insurance for such a facility. Scott would speak to them after the initial


The problem with distribution of the annual lease money was brought up by Rudy. Efforts to contact the new owner of the property has not been productive and the registered letter containing the first years check has been returned. It was suggested that we take to the new owners realtor and give it to him in an effort to finalize the transaction. It was also suggested that we pay the full $50.00 in full and have a waiver signed that there would be no strings attached. The club approved of this suggestion.

 Next discussion concerned replacing the current 2 meter antenna on the club tower however in the interim Scott checked the antenna and cable via his analyzer and it appears they are both in good condition

 There also was discussion on the potential of utilizing the access to the new tower which has been offered to us

 The location of a site for upcoming field day was brought to the table. It was decided to make the home of Rudy and Reta unless another site becomes available.


A lively discussion was held regarding another location to hold our meetings that would allow us to have presentations and speakers.


Meeting was adjourned at 1:05

Submitted by

Reta Behrens