May 24

LSARC Minutes: 

May 18, 2024 

Meeting was held in the lower level of the First Christian Church of Eureka Springs. 

Meeting was called to order at 12:15 by Rudy Behrens.   

Motion was made by Walt Phelps and 2nd by Scott Hawes that the minutes be accepted as presented.  Motion carried. 

Treasurers report was given by Susan Wall. 

We have a balance of $4,228.86 after paying Fire Dept. dues, paying for the first of two new repeaters and Carroll Electric.  Motion was made by Terry Dean and 2nd by Mary Ellen Phelps to accept the report as given following a short discussion r/t the Fire Department dues.  All signified approval.  Motion carried. 

Old Business: 

Addressed the disposition of the two CD’s that the club has purchased and what was to be done with the interest earned.  Is to be left as is for the time being. 

The subject of Echo Link was discussed and it was noted that as we discussed at last meeting Drew Wood has accrued some fees that he has payed in relation to maintaining the system and had voted to reemburse him.  He has not yet submitted an invoice so I will contact him again. 

Classes and testing for OEM are on hold. 

The issue of insurance for the repeater site was brought up and was noted that Reta Behrens had contacted an insurance company and they were to research the issue and get back with her.  At that time there was no further information. 

Payment of the 50 year lease was discussed having spoken with the new owner of the property and he agreed to a one time payment of $50.00 with the stipulation that it would be non refundable in the event of the club closing before the 50 year anniversary.    Rudy Behrens drew up a form which was approved. 

The need to replace the coax on the tower was discussed and it was decided to look for someone to climb the tower and take care of that job with the idea of looking at the antenna also. 

A facility to use for meetings was discussed again and the physicans bldg.. at the hospital in Berryville was mentioned.  This was discussed along with a format that would work for us taking into account the idea of having presentations along with the meeting.  This led to a discussion about advertising and our web site and things that could be incorporated into it. 

A brief discussion was held r/t the 2nd repeater that we have on order.  All is in order. 

New Business: 

Field day.  This was to be held at Rudy and Retas home unless we come up with a better location. 

The upcoming meeting with the OEM and others that will be attended by Walt and Scott was briefly discussed.  A report on that meeting will be given at the meeting next month. 

The subject of adding a person as trustee of the repeater was discussed.  This was brought to the attention of the club by Rudy Behrens.  It was approached on the idea that in the event something happened and one person were no longer available to fill this function it would eliminate any confusion during a change of trustees.  Scott Hawes agreed to research this for us. 

Scott has volunteered  to give a presentation next month.  This will take place prior to the business meeting. 

Meeting was adjourned at 1:08. 

Next meeting to be held at the First Christian Church Eureka Springs. Lower level. 

Submitted by  


Reta Behrens, Secretary