June 24

LSARC Minutes



Meeting held at the First Christian Church Eureka Springs

Meeting was called to order at 1308 by Rudy Behrens.

A unanimous thank you to Scott for his presentation on the use of WinLink.  It was very informative and interesting.

This presentation was presented at 1200 noon and lasted 1 hour.

Minutes had been posted to the web site but due to them being available earlier,  most had not had the opportunity to read them.  Treasurers report was given and then followed with the minutes presented as we went along.

Treasurers Report given by Susan Wall, Treasurer

Previous balance: $4228.86,  interest of .18 cents,  Carroll Electric $29.72.

Current balance: $4199.32. Cameron made the motion to accept and Terry 2nd .   Motion carried.

Old Business:

The old business in the minutes was reviewed and it was noted that we needed to pursue obtaining insurance on the site as well as on the equipment since nothing has been done accomplished to date.

Need to find a climber to replace the coax on our 2 meter antenna and perhaps replace or reposition the antennas at the same time.

Maintaining both antennas was brought up, again.  This was tabled until next month.

The issue of having another facility for our meetings was addressed again.  It was agreed that we needed to research this a little more.

Up coming field day was discussed again and it was left as before.  We will set up at Rudy and Retas property and operate on the same basis as last year.  Perhaps with a little more participation.

The issue of a second trustee for the repeater call sign was reviewed and determined that there was only one name allowed at a time.  We leave things as they stand on that issue.

New Business:

Nothing at this time.  Terry Dean is to make a presentation at the next meeting.

We will meet at the church again next meeting unless a more suitable facility is available.

Meeting adjourned at 1357.  Motion was made by Terry Dean and seconded by Susan Wall.  Motion carried.

Submitted by

Reta Behrens, Secretary